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Finished a vocabulary category? Complete the check-list below, and click on the corresponding button to find review and assessment activities! 

I can complete all of the Quizlet flashcard assessments with a 100% passing rate

I can accurately echo the pronunciation of each vocabulary word or phrase

I can understand the vocabulary used in the podcast section

I can write all of the words with correct spelling without any help 

I can appropriately use the vernacular phrases in each section

Note: The assessments were created based on the task-based learning method. Task-based learning can be described as a form of learning in which teachers use scenarios and activities that simulate authentic, real-life scenarios their students will likely encounter. This includes using or creating materials directly related to the region, age, and interests of your students.


"For example, rather than asking asking your class to read a pre-written restaurant conversation out-loud, give your students a task in which one student (waiter) must take the order of another student (customer). Their task can be supplemented with an actual restaurant menu. The ultimate goal is for the students to complete the task for which language is a necessary tool." (Derek, Natal, RN) 

Looking for a Portuguese speaking pen pal to work through these assessment activities? Consider using this link to sign up for a language exchange started by another Fulbright ETA in 2017. Keep in mind that the language exchange goes two ways - once paired with a local Brazilian, you'll have the opportunity to practice Portuguese, but you'll be expected to practice English with them as well. This pen pal project is separate from our Portuguese for Specific Purposes course, so if you have any questions please contact Mary directly. 


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