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Professional Settings

Put your best foot forward and impress your colleagues from day one! This section was made primarily for Fulbright ETAs entering a professional university setting, but many general terms could apply to a variety of contexts.

Our professional settings section has two subsections of relevant vocabulary. Click on the buttons below to dive into each subsection, and scroll down further for general professional settings tips and reflections. Our professional settings recordings feature a male student from Bauru, São Paulo!

Os ambientes profissionais

Head on over to our podcast and assessment section!

Ready to further test your professional settings knowledge?

It is absolutely normal to have your bosses and students on social media. It is your choice to accept/deny their requests, but don't be alarmed if your peers or students start WhatsApp messages with you. This is a good sign! As the main mode of communication, social media is used to chat about work and life, and often leads to weekend invitations. However, it is your decision to draw the line between professional and personal life. If a friend request or message makes you feel uncomfortable, don't accept! 

Depending on the city, finding a time and a classroom can be challenging. It is important that you make a schedule with your host and co-ETA as soon as possible so you can reserve a classroom and advertise for your events. If you set reservations early and consistently, you are more likely to have a room with working wi-fi and technology, and your students will know where to go and when! 

Before arriving in Brazil, ask your host professor(s) what materials they would like you to bring. If they have specific requests, great! Otherwise, consider buying a small computer or tablet that you can leave at the university when you leave Brazil. If you are really passionate about a specific topic, consider bringing related teaching materials. For example, if you love sports, bring a few sports magazines, newspapers, basketballs, etc., to share with your classes. Writing and reading material, and cultural/holiday decorations are great additions to the classroom! 

21 terms

21 terms

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