No matter where you're working, there are some basic office materials that you are likely to come across. Check out our professional materials vocabulary list and practice your knowledge with flashcards.
A Scanner (Scanner)
A Copiadora / O Xerox (Copy machine)
A Impressora (Printer)
Pen-drive (Flash-drive)
Número de cópias (Number of copies)
Cópias coloridas (Color copies)
Cópias preto-e-branco (Black and white copies)
O Cabo (Cable)
A Caixa de som (Speakers)
Eu preciso de [X] cópias disso (I need [X] copies of this)
Documento (Document)
Você pode escanear isso? (Can you scan this?)
Quando posso pegar? (When can I pick it up?)
Tem desconto para professor? (Do you have a discount for professors?)
Você está disponível? (Are you available?)
O Evento (event)
O Projeto (project)
Cadastrar online (Register online)
Horas (hours)
Crédito (credit)
Certificado (certificate)
Materials: Vocabulary List
Use this menu to turn audio on or off, and set your response settings to English or Portuguese.
Use Quizlet's dropdown menu to choose your preferred study method. These include:
Match: By clicking on boxes, match the Portuguese word or phrase to the English one until all the boxes disappear.
Learn: Prompted by a Portuguese word or phrase, choose the correct English translation from four different options.
Test: Complete 20 written, matching, multiple choice, and true/false questions.
Flashcards: Like a deck of cards, flip through each term one by one.
Spell: Type what you hear.