Trying to bring your new friendship to ~another level~? Check out our flirting vocabulary list and practice your knowledge with flashcards.
Namorado/a (Boyfriend/girlfriend)
Namorar (spend time with a boyfriend/girlfriend)
Paquerar (flirt)
O meu amor/A minha amor (my love)
O meu querido/A minha querida (my love/honey -- be careful, can have a false ring to it with some people)
O meu bebê/A minha bebê (my baby)
Quer dançar? (Do you want to dance?)
Você é muito lindo/a (You’re very beautiful)
Você tem olhos muito bonitos (You have beautiful eyes)
Gosto muito de você (I really like you)
Me passa o seu e Whats? (What’s your number/WhatsApp?)
O que cê vai fazer amanhã? (What are you doing tomorrow?)
Eu te amo (I love you; usually said earlier in a relationship that in the U.S.)
Estou apaixonado por você (I’m in love with you)
Flirting: Vocabulary List
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Match: By clicking on boxes, match the Portuguese word or phrase to the English one until all the boxes disappear.
Learn: Prompted by a Portuguese word or phrase, choose the correct English translation from four different options.
Test: Complete 20 written, matching, multiple choice, and true/false questions.
Flashcards: Like a deck of cards, flip through each term one by one.
Spell: Type what you hear.