Frases comuns na pesquisa do apê
In this short section, we take a closer look at some specific phrases you may come across while searching for an apartment using social media. Check out our location vocabulary list and practice your knowledge with flashcards.
Apartment-Hunting Phrases
Mais informações por inbox (for more information, send a direct message)
Disponível a partir de… (Available starting from…)
Para entrada em… (For entry in…)
Gastos em torno de… (The costs are around...)
Damos preferência a… (We give preference to…)
Nesse valor está incluso agua/luz/gás/condomínio/internet… (This price includes water/light and electric/gas/condominium fee/internet…)
Entrar em contato (To contact)
Apartment-Hunting Phrases: Vocabulary List
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Use Quizlet's dropdown menu to choose your preferred study method. These include:
Match: By clicking on boxes, match the Portuguese word or phrase to the English one until all the boxes disappear.
Learn: Prompted by a Portuguese word or phrase, choose the correct English translation from four different options.
Test: Complete 20 written, matching, multiple choice, and true/false questions.
Flashcards: Like a deck of cards, flip through each term one by one.
Spell: Type what you hear.