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As carnes

Brazilians eat a lot of meat, and some of the cuts may be unfamiliar to a North American audience. Check out our meats vocabulary list and practice your knowledge with flashcards. 


A carne (red meat, generally)

Carne de sol (regional sun dried meat in the NE)

A carne seca (dried meat / beef jerky) 

A carne moída (ground beef)

A picanha (rumpsteak)

O contrafilé (tenderloin)

A fraldinha (flank steak)

A alcatra (top sirloin)

O acém (sparerib)

A costela (ribs)

O frango (chicken)

A coxa de frango (chicken thighs)

O peito de frango (chicken breast)

O coração de frango (chicken hearts)

O frango sem osso (boneless chicken)

O lombo (pork loin)

O peixe (fish)

Os frutos do mar (seafood)

O camarão (shrimp)

O cordeiro (lamb)

O churrasco (barbeque)

A almôndega (meatball)

A linguiça (sausage)

A calabresa (smoked sausage)

Meats: Vocabulary List

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  • Match: By clicking on boxes, match the Portuguese word or phrase to the English one until all the boxes disappear.

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  • Flashcards: Like a deck of cards, flip through each term one by one.

  • Spell: Type what you hear.

Flashcards: Meats

Practice more food vocabulary!

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