Many cities in Brazil have motorcycle taxi options. Motorcycle taxis can be an economically smart (and very fun!) means of transportation, but be sure to note certain safety concerns -- your location is not being tracked, and motorbike accidents are not uncommon. Check out our motorcycle taxi vocabulary list and practice your knowledge with flashcards.
Motorcycle taxis
Eu preciso de um moto-taxi. (I need a motorcycle taxi.)
Eu vou ao _____. (I am going to ______. )
Você poderia não pegar essa rua, por favor? (Please do not take this street.)
Quanto custa? Quanto é? (How much does it cost?)
Você tem outro capacete? (Do you have another helmet?)
Meu capacete está com problemas. (There is a problem with my helmet.)
Você pode ir devagar, por favor? (Could you please drive slowly?)
Eu preciso de um capacete. (I need a helmet.)
Eu não estou me sentindo seguro/a. (I do not feel safe)
Motorcycle taxis: Vocabulary List
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