Comidas e bebidas preparadas
Learn how to talk about the different meals in Brazil and some of the ways people prepare them. Check out our prepared foods & drinks vocabulary list and practice your knowledge with flashcards.
Prepared Foods & Drinks
O café da manha (breakfast)
O almoço (lunch)
O jantar (dinner)
A sobremesa (dessert)
A sopa (soup)
O sanduíche (sandwich)
A salada (salad)
A refeição (meal)
O prato feito (fixed meal of the day)
O molho (sauce)
Água sem gás (bottled still water)
Água com gás (sparkling water)
A cerveja (beer)
O Chopp (Brazilian light draft beer)
O vinho (wine)
O café (coffee)
O chá (tea)
O suco (juice)
A cachaça (Brazilian sugarcane liquor)
A caipirinha (Brazilian drink with cachaça, sugar, ice, and lime or another fruit of your choice)
Cozinhar (to cook OR to boil)
Cortar (to cut or chop)
Fritar (to fry)
Assar (to bake)
Congelar (to freeze)
Refrigerar (to refrigerate)
Temperar (to season, with spices)
Misturar (to mix or blend)
Grelhar (to grill)
Ferver (to boil)a
Prepared Foods and Drinks: Vocabulary List
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Match: By clicking on boxes, match the Portuguese word or phrase to the English one until all the boxes disappear.
Learn: Prompted by a Portuguese word or phrase, choose the correct English translation from four different options.
Test: Complete 20 written, matching, multiple choice, and true/false questions.
Flashcards: Like a deck of cards, flip through each term one by one.
Spell: Type what you hear.