Exclamações gírias
As you're soon to learn, Brazilian Portuguese is full of fun, informal slang words! We divided our coverage of slang four different subsections. Check out our slang exclamations vocabulary list and practice your knowledge with flashcards.
Slang Exclamations
Nossa! (Wow/Damn)
Nossa senhora/gente/vey! Minha nossa senhora! (Wow/Damn)
Eita! (Wow/Damn)
Vishe! (Wow/Damn)
Mano do céu! (Wow/Damn)
Que saudades! (Missing something that’s from the past; no direct English translation)
Fala sério! (You’re kidding!)
Com certeza! (Of course!)
Que sensacional/maravilhoso/delícia! (Great, but not necessarily sensational/ marvelous/ delicious)
Que chique! (How chic!)
Opa! (Ah! to express surprise or shock, or to agree with someone, or to say hi)
Beleza! (Sweet or okay)
Putz! (Damn, in a negative way)
É mesmo! (Really!)
-pra caramba (to emphasize at the end of something, e.g. engraçado pra caramba!)
Que show! (Awesome)
Mano/vey/cara/tio (dude)
Tá tirando/tá de zuera! (you’re kidding!)
Tá foda (don’t use with your boss! Means “it’s f***ed,” could be positive or negative)
Que massa! (Cool!)
Rolê (thing, like a party or hangout)
Slang Exclamations: Vocabulary List
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Match: By clicking on boxes, match the Portuguese word or phrase to the English one until all the boxes disappear.
Learn: Prompted by a Portuguese word or phrase, choose the correct English translation from four different options.
Test: Complete 20 written, matching, multiple choice, and true/false questions.
Flashcards: Like a deck of cards, flip through each term one by one.
Spell: Type what you hear.